〕 n. 배교자, 배신자;변절자, 탈당자
━ a. 배교의;배신[변절]의
ap·o·stat·ic, -i·cal[] a.
Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends shunned him as an apostate.
〕 n. (pl. -sies) [U.C] 배교(背敎), 배신(背信);변절, 탈당
a charge of apostasy
〕 n. (pl.-car·ies) 《미·고어》 약종상, 약제사(druggist);《미》 약국
In the apothecaries' weight, twelve ounces equal one pound.
ap·o·thegm〔〕 n. 경구, 격언
Proverbs are apthegms that have become familiar sayings.
〕 n. (pl. -ses[
1 [U.C] (사람을) 신으로 모심, 신격화;신성시, 숭배;신격화된 것
2 이상(理想)의 상(像), 극치;권화(權化) 《of》
3 (사람·물건의) 승천(昇天)
The Oriental in Bangkok is the apotheosis of the grand hotel.
The apotheosis of a Roman emperor was designed to insure his eternal greatness.
ap·pa·ri·tion〔〕 n.
1 유령, 망령, 환영
2 경이적인[불가사의한] 것
3 (모습 등의) 출현
4【천문】 (혜성 등의, 특히 정기적인) 출현
▷ appar v.
It could be some sort of a hallucination in the mind of the fantasy-prone person, or there could be some apparition that's explained by physics here.
I've never seen the apparition of the little girl, but she does pull a little prank of sleeping on this bed behind us, and she leaves the impression of her body on the bed.
Hamlet was uncertain about the identity of the apparition that had appeared and spoken to him.
ap·pease〔〕〔OF 「평화(peace)롭게 하다」의 뜻에서〕 vt.
1 <사람을> 달래다;<싸움을> 진정시키다;<노염·슬픔을> 가라앉히다 The sight appeased his anger. 그 광경을 보고 그는 화가 가라앉았다.
《appease+목+전+명》 appease a person by kindness[with a present] 친절[선물]로 …을 달래다
2 <갈증을> 풀어 주다;<식욕·호기심 등을> 충족시키다 appease one’s hunger[curiosity] 허기[호기심]를 채우다
3 (절개를 굽혀) 양보하다
appease·ment n. 위무, 진정, 완화, 양보;
유화 정책 ap·p
as·er n.
Gandhi was accused by some of trying to appease both factions of the electorate.
We have discovered that, when we try to appease our enemies, they make additional demands.
ap·pel·la·tion〔〕 n. 명칭, 통칭, 호칭, 명명, epithet(나쁜의미)
He earned the appellation `rebel priest.'
He was amazed when the witches hailed him with his correct appellation.
ap·pend〔〕 vt.
1 덧붙이다, 부가[추가]하다, 부록에 달다 《to》 I append Mr. A’s letter herewith. 여기에 A씨의 편지를 첨부합니다.
《append+목+전+명》 append a label to a trunk 트렁크에 꼬리표를 붙이다
2 <펜던트 등을> 달다, 매달다 《to》
3 <서명·도장을> (문서에) 쓰다, 찍다(affix) 《to》
Violet appended a note at the end of the letter.
It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.
I shall append this chart to my report.
ap·praise〔〕 vt. <물건·재산을> 값매기다, 견적[감정]하다;<사람·능력을> 평가하다(⇒ estimate [유의어]);…의 (치수·중량·품질 등을) 평가[계산]하다
I had an expert appraise the house beforehand. 나는 사전에 전문가에게 그 가옥을 평가시켰다.
《appraise+목+전+명》 appraise property[land] at fifty thousand dollars 재산[토지]을 5만 달러로 평가하다
appraise property for taxation 과세하기 위해 재산을 감정하다
ap·pris·ee n. appraise·ment n. ap·pr
is·ive a.
▷ apprisal n.
It is difficult to appraise the value of old paintings; it is easier to call them priceless.
ap·por·tion〔〕 vt. 배분하다, 할당하다 《to》
《apportion+목+전+명》 apportion something between[among] persons 물건을 사람들에게 배분하다
apportion·a·ble a. apportion·er n.
I'll apportion each of you different task.
nd〕〔L 「파악하다」의 뜻에서〕 vt.
1 《문어》 <범인을> 체포하다 《★ catch, seize, arrest가 일반적》 The thief was apprehended. 도둑은 체포되었다.
2 <의미를> 파악하다, 이해하다, 깨닫다 《apprehend+that 절》 I apprehended that the situation was serious. 사태가 심각함을 깨달았다.
3 우려하다, 염려하다(fear) It is apprehended that ... …할 우려가 있다
There is nothing to apprehend. 아무것도 염려할 게 없다.
━ vi.
1 깨닫다, 이해되다
2 걱정되다, 염려되다
apprehend·er n.
▷ apprehnsion n.;appreh
nsive a.
The police will apprehend the culprit before long.
ap·pre·hen·sive〔〕 a.
1 우려하는, 염려하는 《of, for, about》
2 이해가 빠른, 총명한(intelligent)
3 알아채고[깨닫고] (있는) 《of》
be apprehensive for (a person’s safety) (…의 안부)를 걱정하다
His apprehensive glances at the people who were walking in the street revealed his nervousness.
People are still terribly apprehensive about the future.
ap·prise1, ap·prize1〔〕 vt. 《문어》 <사람에게 …을> 통지하다(inform), 알리다 《of》
When he was apprised of the dangerous weather conditions, he decided to postpone his trip.
Have customers been fully apprised of the advantages?
We must apprise them of the dangers that may be involved.
ap·pur·te·nance〔〕 n.
1 [보통 pl.] 부속물;[pl.] 기계 장치
2【법】 종물(從物)
a house and all its appurtenances
He bought the estate and all its appurtenances.
1 (…에의) 경향, 습성 《to》;(…하는) 기질, 성질 《for doing, to do》
2 (…의) 소질, 재능, 능력, 수완;(학문·공부의) 총명함, 지력 《for, in》
3 적성, 어울림(fitness) 《for》
have an aptitude for …에 소질[재능]이 있다
have an aptitude to vices (악)에 물들기 쉽다
SAT [Scholastic Aptitude Test]
The counselor gave him an aptitude test before advising him about the career he should follow.
An aptitude for computing is beneficial for students taking this degree.
e·pit·o·me〔〕〔Gk 「요약하다」의 뜻에서〕 n.
1 발췌(拔萃), 개요;대요, 개략
2 《비유》 (…의) 축도(縮圖) man, the world’s epitome 세계의 축도인 인간
in epitome 요약된 형태로;축도화되어
Maureen was the epitome of sophistication.
1 농담, 희롱, (짓궂은) 장난(mischief);간계(奸計)
2 (기계 등의) 부정확한 작동;(동물의) 익살스런 동작
prank2 vt. , vi. 화려하게 차려 입다 《with》, 모양내다 《out, up》
play pranks on[upon] …을 조롱하다
Stop playing pranks on me.
a harmless prank
The orchard is now pranked with blossoms.
Don´t make such a fuss all the time about kids´ pranks.
hal·lu·ci·na·tion〔〕 n. [U.C] 환각(cf. ILLUSION);
환상;잘못된 생각[신념, 신앙, 인상];곡두, 망상(delusion), 착각
suffer from hallucinations 환각에 시달리다
be under hallucination 착각하고 있다
hallucination·al a.hal·lu·ci·na·tive[,
] a.
The drug induces hallucinations at high doses.
1 피하다, 멀리하다
2 《고어》 면하다
3 《고어》 막다
'shun〔〕〔attention에서〕 int. 차렷
acquaintances politely shunned by one another.
shun society.
He tried to shun contact with us.
He is kept at a respectful distance. or He is politely shunned by everybody.
The electronics-parts sector is being shunned by investors, who fear computer.
e·lec·tor·ate〔〕 n.
1 [the electorate;집합적] 선거민 (전체), 유권자 (전원)
2【역사】 (신성 로마 제국의) 선거후(侯)의 지위[관할, 영토]
the power of the unwashed electorate
He has the backing of almost a quarter of the electorate.
reb·el〔〕〔L 「전쟁을 다시 하다」의 뜻에서〕 n.
1 반역자, 반도, 반항자 《against, to》
2 [종종 Rebel] 《미》 반란군 병사 《남북 전쟁 때의 남군 병사》;[종종 Rebel] 《미·구어》 남부 백인
━ a. 반역의
the rebel army 반란군
━ [] vi. (rebelled;rebel·ling)
1 모반[반역]하다, 반란을 일으키다 《against》;(권위·관습 등에) 반대하다, 반항하다 《against》 rebel against all authority 모든 권위에 대항하다
2 화합하지 않다 《with》;반감을 가지다, 반발하다, 몸서리치다 《against, at》 《rebel+전+명》 My mind rebels at the thought. 그것을 생각하면 오싹해진다.
rebel·lke a.
▷ rebllion n.;reb
llious a.
Sudan's government says it is ready to accept a proposed peace deal with Darfur rebels, but rebel negotiators are holding out, saying the draft agreement still does not meet their key demands.
Sri Lanka has stopped bombing Tamil rebel targets and re-opened borders with rebel territory.
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